About the DataHub

⚠️ This website will be closed soon. The content will be tranfered to the Earth Data Portal of the DataHub.

The DataHub is a cross-center initiative with participation of the seven research centers of the Research Field Earth and Environment in the Helmholtz Association. As an integrative initiative, the DataHub is anchored in the joint research program of the research field to bring together the previously separate data of marine, terrestrial and atmospheric research as well as their cross-sectional fields in an open, interoperable information infrastructure (hub). The data of the research field will thus be made accessible following the FAIR principles.

The goal of the DataHub is to facilitate research data sharing and collaboration between researchers from different scientific disciplines and institutions. The DataHub provides researchers with a digital ecosystem to store, manage and share their data. It also provides various data analysis, data visualization, and data annotation tools to improve data processing and interpretation. With its many features, the DataHub magnifies the potential to accelerate scientific discovery and foster collaboration among researchers.

To achieve these goals, three SubHubs (ATMO, MARE, TERRA) formed from Earth System compartments - supported by cross-cutting (methodological) working groups - are working on diverse research data management challenges. The development of cross-cutting thematic access points to data and data tools, so-called 'Thematic Viewers', as well as the establishment of a common portal (Earth Data Portal) form the outward-facing representation of the DataHub. To support work with data, various data management tools will be developed and made available to the community in the Earth system science domain and beyond.

As a cross-cutting activity of the Changing Earth research program and a facilitator for data-driven science, the DataHub is a key contributor to advancing digitization in research and the associated cultural change in the Earth and Environment research field. As a cross-center, interconnected and interoperable data infrastructure encompassing the SubHubs ATMO, MARE and TERRA with an interlocking range of digital tools and services tailored to research, the DataHub represents a central contribution of the centers of the Helmholtz Association's Research Field Earth and Environment in the development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), in particular to NFDI4Earth as well as NFDI4BioDiversity, NFDI4Microbiota, NFDI4Chem, DataPLANT, NFDI4BioImage, NFDI4Objects and FAIRagro.

In the pilot phase from 2019 to 2020, 'digital foundations', previously created prototypes and initial functional versions of new digital tools were further developed and put into operation. This also applies, for example, to elements of the so-called 'Observatory View' and 'Stakeholder View'. All of these elements are now being continuously maintained and further developed within the framework of the DataHub, among other things by expanding the 'Viewer' offerings.

The Observatory View is intended to provide access to data from observatories, measurement campaigns, test sites and projects for a broad range of scientific applications. Automated services provide for the collection of research data from different data sources, for their harmonization and provision via interfaces, and for aggregation as well as visualization for working with the data. The Observatory View is implemented as an interconnected technological platform with various complementary tools and services.

The Stakeholder View will bundle services that provide data products of the research domain that are of general interest or of interest for decision support. They are presented publicly in an overview that follows the research program and with interactive showcases/spotlights. In its current version, the Stakeholder View presents initial data offerings and information from observatories, data portals, and data products, and lists the research domain's available data tools for quick access and use. For this purpose, contributions from all Helmholtz centers of the research field 'Earth and Environment' are already integrated.

Through Laboratory and Sample View, researchers, lab staff, technical staff, and others involved in science who work with samples will have digital tools at their fingertips to support them in all their work 'from the field, into the lab and office, and out into the world'. The research processes associated with samples will digitally support stakeholders in their various roles with tools tailored to their work. The tools will be interconnected together on a common technological platform based on uniform vocabularies, data exchange formats, interfaces, and automated services as well as persistent identifiers in a seamlessly integrated research process.

Measurement and model data from Earth system research will be made accessible in Model View and made available for integrated and interactive 3D visualization and exploratory work. Tools for analyzing and modifying the data, capturing intermediate results that have emerged, and virtual collaboration capabilities will facilitate collaboration and enable faster, collaborative, and innovative generation of research results.

The goal of the Remote Sensing View is to make remote sensing data and derived data products from satellite missions, flight campaigns, drone deployments, and close-range techniques usable across all scientific disciplines.

The Event View will provide tools for researchers in advisory roles to bring together and present relevant data on events such as heavy rainfall, floods and flood-like inundations, or earthquakes. Tools for analyzing the respective situation, making predictions on the further development of the events, assessing impacts on the environment, society, and infrastructure, as well as the targeted compilation and provision of information for persons with decision-making authority to initiate scientifically based measures are to be available in the Event View.