Coastal Protection Demand
The interactive maps for the North Sea and Baltic Sea coast provide information on coastal protection requirements: You can find out whether your residential area is protected from storm surges by coastal protection today, or whether this will be necessary by 2100. If you have any questions, please contact the North German Climate Office open_in_new.
Interactive Map
Baltic sea coast - present and future
The map shows based on the storm surge from 12./13. November 1872, in which regions of the German Baltic coast there is a need for coastal protection. In addition, you can display which areas will probably need additional protection at the end of the 21st century. Until then, high storm surges, such as the storm surge from 12./13. November 1872, due to the rise in sea level up to 80 cm higher.
Northsea coast - present and future
The map shows on the basis of the storm surge from 16./17. February 1962, which regions of the German North Sea coast are today protected from storm surges by coastal protection measures. In addition, you can display which areas will probably need additional protection at the end of the 21st century. Until then, high storm surges, such as the storm surge of 16./17. February 1962, due to the rise in sea level and a changed wind climate up to 1.1 m higher.
Further Links
Last updated at: 19.10.2022